

Deer seem to be nice, cute cuddly creatures. However, they are a menace to humanity. They are the kamikaze warriors of the animal world. Unlike other animals, the deer does not personally attack it's victims. Instead, it uses its mass to take out normal, everyday humans who are simply driving in vehicles. The deer will jump out into the road, killing over 300 people each year. Deer have lived for too long under our protection, thanks in large part to the Bambi movie, and movies like it. Deer are a pest, simply large rodents. And large, deadly rodents at that. The deer is a menace, has always been a menace, and shall continue to be a menace until we stand up, fight back, and remove these deadly obstacles from our roads. Luckily, a group of compatriots have already started - see here **Warning: Graphic. War is hell, people.**

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