

Greenpeace is committed to stopping the widespread extinction of animals the world over, but they specialize in saving the whales. These crazed traitors will stop at nothing to stop brave and heroic whalers, even ramming ships from time to time! They are often met with violence and other measures designed to stop them, and rightly so. While many will point to baleen whales as eating only krill and plankton, there are 65 species of toothed whale, which have been known to kill and even eat very large creatures whole. These whalers should be commended for their efforts in stopping the animal menace, not rammed. The animals already have a sizable armada in whales and sharks. We humans do not need to add to their forces. Indeed, to claim victory we need to work to make their armada smaller. Recent sightings of giant squid have confirmed this fact. Greenpeace stands in the way of all this, and therefore must be stopped.

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